Listening extract of new Topik II (intermediate-advanced)

On May 28,2014, the official Topik website ( uploaded the extract sample of listening part for the new Topik format. They just chose some questions from the samples and gave us the audios, transcript and answer keys. You can try doing some listening questions to see  how the new listening Topik test looks like.





topikII-3script ANSWER KEY for question 3:   1





TopikII-8script ANSWER KEY for question 8: 3





TopikII-9script ANSWER KEY for question 9: 2





TopikII-14script ANSWER KEY for question 14: 1





TopikII-19script ANSWER KEY for question 19: 1





TopikII-22script ANSWER KEY for question 22: 3





TopikII-23script ANSWER KEY for question 23: 1





TopikII-25script ANSWER KEY for question 25: 1





TopikII-27SCRIPT ANSWER KEY for question 27: 2





TopikII-30SCRIPT ANSWER KEY for question 30: 3





topikII-31script ANSWER KEY for question 31: 2





TopikII-34script ANSWER KEY for question 34: 3





TopikII-35script ANSWER KEY for question 35: 1





TopikII-38script ANSWER KEY for question 38: 4





TopikII-40script ANSWER KEY for question 40: 3





TopikII-42script ANSWER KEY for question 42: 2





TopikII-43script ANSWER KEY for question 43: 4





TopikII-46script ANSWER KEY for question 46: 3





TopikII-47script ANSWER KEY for question 47: 4





TopikII-49script ANSWER KEY for question 49: 2

Sample of TOPIK I (Beginner) with answer keys, script, no audio

Sample of TOPIK II(Intermediate-Advanced) with answer keys, script, no audio

8 thoughts on “Listening extract of new Topik II (intermediate-advanced)

  1. I’m going to have to come back to this post. It was really well prepared. I don’t even think I’m ready to look at anything with advanced on it. But I’m so interested to see what this intermediate-exam is going to be like!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much. Please feel free to come back to this post when you are ready. The new Topik II (Intermediate-Advanced) seems to be very difficult. I tried doing some Intermediate listening questions in this post and I failed. I even don’t dare to do the advanced listening questions right now @@

      Do you intend to take the Topik exam with the new format?


      1. I’ll probably take it. I mean, I want to get to level 5 at least. But I guess I’ll take level 6. I haven’t looked at it once only because I’d rather not see the mountain of stuff I don’t know in front of me so soon. I like to leave that for last.

        I imagine it is difficult. One can only speculate as to why. I like to think it was done on purpose to possibly make getting citizenship/visa’s to Korea much more difficult.

        I don’t really think this change has to do with people taking it for fun. It’s more likely done for other reasons. I remember when I took the exam, there were SOOOO many people speaking Korean really well and that seemed so unphased by the exam. I was the only person who brought and studied notes. Everyone else sat around talking until the start time.

        Then I remember being finished and looking around and seeing a lot of people really struggling with it. I’m under the impression many of them didn’t study and thought that the Korean they used in daily life was enough to pass the test without studying. It may be to weed out people who don’t know Korean VERY well. Which is probably what you need to do in order to get a visa to the country.

        However, I’m going to take it. Difficult or not. I wants my bragging rights! Plus I think it is a good tool for measuring how good your Korean is. My reading ability in Korean has been really good since preparing for this test. I can read so much more these days when before I was totally oblivious.


        1. Many people study Korean with many different purposes such as business, studying abroad, KPOP, Korean dramas and so on. Therefore, I guess sometimes people don’t consider taking Topik exam seriously.
          I read on the Topik website that the changes in the Topik format aims to evaluate the communication skill, so they only test listening, reading, writing skills and eliminate the Vocab/Grammar section.

          It’s a great feeling when you can understand the reading passages that you didn’t understand clearly before. ^^


        2. Yes, it is a great feeling. I thought “how do other people pass this test” when I first looked at it. I was confident that it would be easy but it was quite hard. It feels good to have overcome it. But the advanced….I’m not really looking forward to it. Especially after seeing how long it took me to prepare for this one.


  2. I listened to the first few. They didn’t seem too bad. I wanted to listen to the more difficult ones but they were full of words I still don’t know. But I live in Korea and hear it everyday so listening has gotten much easier for me. I’m going to go check out the reading passages so I get that dread feeling started early ;D


    1. You are so lucky to have a good environment to study Korean. I believe that your Korean proficiency will improve a lot. ^^ I will try my best to improve my listening skill.


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